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Vaccines are Crucial During Teenagers’ Developmental Years

teen receiving a vaccine

What Vaccines Do Teenagers Need?

By Michele Eggers, senior quality care coordinator at Network Health
Originally published on 5/3/2021 at 4:00 p.m.

As a parent, you know that staying up to date on the vaccine schedule – recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – is important to protecting your child’s health.

Teenage years, however, bring complication to every facet of your child’s life and vaccines and health are no exception. You may wonder which vaccines your teenager should get during these years.

The vaccinations recommended for teenagers depend on whether they are up to date on routine vaccinations. The CDC recommends the following vaccinations for preteens and teens.

Teenage years go fast. Protect your child with recommended immunization.

Contact your teen’s personal doctor to ask which vaccinations are still needed. Vaccinations may be given during annual checkups or during exams required for sports or camp. Many clinics also offer vaccinations at nurse-only visits, particularly for those needing to catch up on routine vaccinations.

Please refer to the CDC’s website for additional information about vaccines and the diseases they help prevent.

For more information on how your Wisconsin-based health plan can help you and your family stay as healthy and strong as possible, contact us today.

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