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Back to School Means Back to the Doctor

doctor giving child annual well child visit checkup

Back-to-School Screenings and Health Information for Children

By Tara Dontje, quality care coordinator at Network Health

Although this year has been unlike any other, things like education and making sure children are safe and healthy while questions about how to resume schooling persist. Typically, the back-to-school season is the time of year where parents and guardians schedule doctor visits along with the frenzy of purchasing school supplies, booking photo sessions and clothes shopping.

This year, things are different, but the beginning of the school year is still a convenient time to add well-child visits to the calendar to ensure your children are up to date on immunizations and screenings.

What are the Benefits of an Annual Well-Child Exam?

Regular well-child visits are essential to maintaining optimal physical, social and mental health for infants and children. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the benefits of well-child visits include four things.


Between illnesses that spread at school and seasonal ailments that tend to pop up again during the fall/winter school season, the beginning of the academic year marks the rise of viruses and bacteria. Your child’s well-child visit helps him or her avoid downtime by ensuring immunizations are up to date to prevent these illnesses.

This visit also helps your child avoid other health problems as his or her doctor discusses topics like nutrition and safety.

Tracking growth and development

Another key aspect of the back-to-school well-child visit is tracking your child’s growth and development to identify any opportunities to respond to issues or challenges that may be otherwise unclear. By discussing your child’s milestones, social behaviors and learning, this annual health checkpoint allows you and your children to get the most out of the new school year.

Raising concerns

Bring a list of topics to discuss with your child’s personal doctor such as development, behavior, sleeping habits, eating habits and/or social interaction with family and friends. These factors can be evaluated by a medical professional who is able to recommend treatment or lifestyle adjustments in order to ensure a proper and child-centered response.

Team approach

Well-child visits provide the opportunity for providers and parents to work together to meet the needs of children in a way that is documented and actionable. By scheduling annual well-child visits and working with your child’s doctor every year, you’ll be tracking progress and ensuring your child is healthy and equipped for the school season each year.

Enjoy a Healthy School Year with Safety and Prevention as a Focus

Call to schedule your child’s well-child visit today. For questions about how your health plan can help you and your family stay safe and healthy, reach out to us today.



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