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Fun, Family-Friendly Activities for Peaceful Homes During #SaferAtHome

close up of beads and craft supplies for safer at home

Great Ways to Have Fun at Home

By Jordan Kapellusch, digital marketing specialist at Network Health
Originally published on 04/16/2020 at 12:30 p.m.

As we enter the first few weeks of Governor Tony Evers’s #SaferAtHome declaration that closed many office locations to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, the four walls of your home may be starting to feel a little bit too familiar.

Many of our spring plans, which included barbecue gatherings, outdoor fun and vacations have been indefinitely placed on hold. While you may be mourning the lack of social opportunities in the outdoor spaces that are coming to life with green grass, tree leaves and the sound of robins, all is not lost.

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Six Family Activities for #SaferAtHome

Today, we’re going to help you and your family find ways to enjoy the temporary delay on activity that goes along with #SaferAtHome and hopefully introduce you to some fun and exciting new possibilities for maximizing your time indoors.

1. Board Games

Board games have come a long way since Monopoly and Chutes and Ladders. These days, board games have a thriving enthusiast community and a range of options. The layers of depth, engagement and detail are almost at the same level as that of an immersive video game.

The great thing about board games is, at their core, they’re almost always problem-solving activities that encourage friendly competition in such a way that hours melt into minutes.

If you’re looking to avoid the competition element entirely, some games like 5-Minute Dungeon and Robinson Crusoe: Adventures of the Cursed Island encourage players to work together against the game system, rather than against each other.

2. Family Video Games

Video games are a double-edged sword when it comes to spending time. On one hand, they offer opportunities for social engagement, cooperation and immersive story-driven adventure which other entertainment media can’t capture. On the other hand, they can be somewhat of a “brain drain” if the game is focused more on entertainment than socializing and/or problem-solving.

Luckily, plenty of options exist that present the perfect choice for families looking to connect. Classic titles like Wii Sports and Mario Party create a competitive atmosphere in a virtual sports or board game environment. New titles like Snipperclips, Heads Up and Overcooked 2 are modern ways for families to compete and cooperate in a way that isn’t available without interactive technology.

Many popular board games, such as Trivial Pursuit, Settlers of Catan and Ticket to Ride also have video game counterparts which add dynamic visuals and fun effects to the standard boardgame experience. Best of all, there are no plastic pieces to try and squeeze back into the box when you’re done.

3. Video Chat Dance Party

Another fun way to enjoy this time off is to use some clever mental gymnastics and video chat tech and just pretend like it’s not happening. One of the best ways we’ve seen people do this is by having a video chat dance party.

To conduct one of these parties for your own household, load up a playlist (or find an existing, family-friendly one) on Spotify that you and friends or remote/extended family members can access. Then, you just make sure nobody has the play option set to shuffle and do a quick “3, 2, 1, GO” countdown to click play. Jump over to your video chat app of choice and boogie down.

You’ll probably find this to be a huge way to both expend some energy (especially for younger members of the household who have yet to acquire the restraint with which adults dance) and make everybody feel connected to each other despite geographic distances.

Who knows? This may even become a tradition you rely on to connect with those who are distant after #SaferAtHome is eased and social gatherings are again permitted.

4. Craft Day

No matter your age, making something you can use or display afterward is a rewarding treat. If you’re like most people, you probably have a drawer or storage bin full of craft supplies you picked a while ago and set aside for a rainy day. This is certainly the next best reason to use them.

Being able to work with paper, glue, paint and unconventional materials like popsicle sticks, and wind up with a work of art is a fun way to make the hours go by. Plus, crafting typically encourages cooperation as some resources (the black magic marker, for instance) are limited.

Websites like Fun Family Crafts and the Arts and Crafts section on feature plenty of starting points and step-by-step instructions. A quick search on pinboard websites like Pinterest is also a great starting point.

5. Write Letters and Cards to Send

One of the best activities with which the entire family can get on board is letter writing. For children, have them pick a schoolmate or relative and encourage them to let their imagination run wild as he or she doodles and writes and even adds some flourish via glitter or the like.

For adults, too, writing is an extremely centering experience. Putting pen to paper rather than fingers to on-screen keyboard allows you to take time with the words you’re writing, giving them space to breathe and adding weight to this timeless communication means.

Kids shouldn’t have all the fun though, right? Add your own doodles or photographs to your letters and cards and sit back and enjoy the anticipation that comes along with putting the letters in the mailbox and awaiting replies.

6. Redecorate the Rooms

The static nature of surroundings is a huge factor in cabin fever. You don’t have to take that lying down. Find new ways to reinvent the rooms in which you spend the most time. Swap out portraits on the wall. Take one last photograph of the magnetic poetry on the fridge and go full “clean slate.” Think about space differently.

If you’ve been working from home and using a spare bedroom as an office space, move things around to make it a better work location. You can even go as far as hanging up new decorations on the wall and changing seasonal décor and fabrics out for new springtime ones that will add brightness and dynamism to the rooms you’ve likely been seeing since November.

Throw some deep cleaning into the mix as you and your family rearrange the spaces in your home and you’ll be feeling like it’s a brand-new room n no time.

#SaferAtHome is Stronger at Home

At Network Health, we’re committed to building healthy and strong Wisconsin communities. Right now, that means following the #SaferAtHome guidance and helping to slow and stop the spread of the new coronavirus.

We’re all eagerly anticipating the end of the #SaferAtHome order and the ability to safely meet in public with friends and family again.

Until then, however, this period can be an excellent opportunity to slow down and enjoy time with those closest to you in the comfort of a space you’re able to devote time to optimizing and perfecting. It can also be a great time to learn some new skills. We shared a roundup of the best free courses you can take today in a previous article. You can read it here.

If you have any questions about your health and your family’s health during #SaferAtHome, please contact us today.

What are some ways that you and your family have been passing this #SaferAtHome time?

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