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Grow in the Know / Kid’s Health / Halloween Safety

Halloween Safety

Halloween Kids Safety


Keeping Little Ghosts and Goblins Safe

Halloween is the second most popular commercial holiday behind Christmas when it comes to spending. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Americans will spend about $7 billion on Halloween between decorations, costumes and candy. It’s also the night with the highest rate of child pedestrian accidents. Have no fear, we’ve compiled a list of safety tips to make Halloween night a little less frightening.


  • Use reflective tape on costumes and bags so that drivers can see you
  • Walk in groups, never trick-or-treat alone
  • Teach your children to make eye contact with drivers before crossing in front of them
  • Walk on the sidewalk whenever possible, or the far edge of the street facing traffic


  • Select a costume that fits properly to prevent trips and falls
  • Have kids wear glow sticks or carry a flashlight to help them see and be seen by drivers
  • If wearing make-up, test a small area on your skin first to make sure you don’t have an allergic reaction


  • Examine all treats for tampering and choking hazards before eating them
  • Limit the amount of treats your child eats in one sitting
  • Have a healthy snack before going out trick-or-treating to discourage kids from filling up on too many treats

Even if you are not trick-or-treating this year, chances are you’ll be driving during your city’s designated trick-or-treat time. Please drive slowly, especially in residential areas. Take extra time to look for kids crossing the street and turn your headlights on so you can see kids from a distance.

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